The Decision to Self-Infuse: A Critical Aspect of Hemophilia

One of the most important aspects of hemophilia is, as with any ongoing medical condition, knowing your options when it comes to management and treatment. In past posts we have covered this topic in great depth. Here are a few more inspiring stories of how individuals with hemophilia have made the decision to self-infuse:

Taking back his childhood: How did 12-year-old JD Westbrook make his dreams of running, taking a four-state tour on his dad’s 18-wheeler rig and attending sleep-away summer camp a reality? He made the decision to learn to self-infuse and, as a result, he assumes a higher level of responsibility as well as enjoys the freedom and independence that goes along with it. Families can discuss self-infusion education with their local hemophilia treatment center.

Betting against the blood bank: After years of being tied to the anxiety that came along with undergoing frozen plasma treatments from a local blood bank to manage bleeding episodes related to Hemophilia A, Gonzalo Perez Sanchez learned to manage various hemorrhage events through self-administering his medication. Since then, he has not only managed to accomplish walking without the aid of a cane, but he has also secured his first job with hopes of becoming an entrepreneur in the future.

Proving that when it comes to fighting hemophilia, he’s par for the course: With participation in three U.S. Open Championships and nine career holes-in-one under his belt, Perry Parker refused to listen to suggestions that “hemophilia and sports don’t go together.” Perry currently uses medication to manage his Hemophilia A, and dedicates part of his time to teaching children affected by bleeding disorders about golf and the benefits of an active lifestyle.
While people like JD, Gonzalo and Perry would probably agree that no one individual’s struggle with a bleeding disorder is quite the same, the rewards and benefits of self-infusion can help those with a bleeding disorder improve their quality of life.

Cincinnati Children’s Change the Outcome – Patient Stories:

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