Lowering Your Risk for Multiple Sclerosis with Vitamin D

BLOG photo MS and vitamin DThere are plenty of reasons to be excited about the onset of summer, a favorite being the opportunity to catch some rays. Did you know, however, that more studies are finding an increase in vitamin D, whose production is prompted by sun exposure, can help lower your risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS)? Allow me to explain a bit here:

How Vitamin D works
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that aids in the absorption of calcium, moderates phosphorus levels in the blood and affects immune cells. Exposure to sunlight causes the production of vitamin D, which has an impact on immune cell functionality and melanin (pigment) production. Because MS is believed to be somewhat autoimmune in nature, the vitamin’s effect on immune cells is imperative to its role in risk reduction.

Where’s the Proof?
While it is still difficult to pinpoint exactly where vitamin D falls into the equation in MS prevention (note that lowering the risk for MS is not the same as preventing the disease altogether), repeat evidence from scientific studies show individuals who experience regular outdoor sun exposure exhibit a 25 to 57 percent less chance of developing the disease. The fluctuation in number depends on factors including time of year, location and amount of time spent outdoors. These same studies note that populations in locations closer to the equator have less instances of MS overall.

A Cautionary Tale
It would be counterintuitive to recommend we all go spend countless hours basking under the sun in an effort to prevent MS. For example, the risk of skin cancer from the use of tanning beds far outweighs any benefits one could possibly hope to obtain health-wise. The same goes for outdoor exposure; unadulterated (and unprotected) sun exposure is not the answer to preventing MS, and any time outdoors should be preceded with sunscreen.


CNN Health – Vitamin D May Lower MS Risk: http://articles.cnn.com/2006-12-19/health/vitamin.d.ms_1_vitamin-d-levels-sunshine-vitamin-multiple-sclerosis?_s=PM:HEALTH

Everyday Health – Can You Prevent Multiple Sclerosis? http://www.everydayhealth.com/multiple-sclerosis/multiple-sclerosis-prevention.aspx

Medline Plus – Vitamin D: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002405.htm

MedPage Today – Childhood Sun Exposure May Lower Multiple Sclerosis Risk: http://www.medpagetoday.com/Neurology/MultipleSclerosis/6236

My Health News Daily – Life in the Sun Lowers Multiple Sclerosis Risk: http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/sunlight-lowers-multiple-sclerosis-risk-1138/

Science Daily – Sun Exposure, Vitamin D May Lower Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110207165422.htm

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