Vasculitis: An Overview

A general rule of nomenclature in medical science is that any time you see the suffix “–itis” attached to a word, it is associated with inflammation (think arthritis). Vasculitis, therefore, is a condition characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels that is the result of the body attacking said vessels, causing changes to the walls of the vessels such as thickening, weakening, narrowing and scarring. While there is no one cause associated with the disorder, some cancers, immune system disorders or allergic reactions have been known to trigger it. Common alternative names for vasculitis are angitis and arteritis.

What are the Symptoms?
There are a number of types of vasculitis, which can range from short term (or acute) to long term (or chronic) in severity. Because there are so many different types of vasculitis, which is derived from the fact that there are so many different groups of blood vessels throughout the human body, signs and symptoms can vary. However, a few of the more common signs include fever, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain and nerve problems (such as numbness or weakness). If you are experiencing a combination of these symptoms and suspect vasculitis to be a culprit, medical tests such as the arthritis blood test and X-rays are helpful in coming to a diagnosis.

What are the Treatment Options?
Due to the wide range of types of vasculitis, treatment options tend to vary and often depend on a combination of factors such as degree of severity and the individual’s general health. The most common methods of medical treatment and management are the use of steroids to control inflammation as well as medications to manage the immune system.
As with any condition, the occurrence of symptoms associated with vasculitis are not the only means to a diagnosis. Consult your primary care physician with questions if you suspect you may be affected by the condition to talk about further testing.
Mayo Clinic – Vasculitis:
Mayo Clinic – Vasculitis Symptoms:
Mayo Clinic – Vasculitis Treatments and Drugs:
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – NINDS Vasculitis Syndromes of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems Information Page:
WebMD – Vasculitis Diagnosis and Tests:
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