Managing Pain

Many people living with hemophilia will experience pain from a complication of their condition. It can be anything from a rare case of pain caused by a bleed to an ongoing pain caused from arthritis. Even routine dental procedures or medical surgeries can cause excessive pain for a hemophiliac.

So how do you deal with the pain?

First, it is important to detect what is causing the pain. There are two types of pain: chronic and acute. If it is a chronic type of pain or possibly joint or muscle pain, speak with your doctor. You may be suffering from arthritis, and the use of anti-inflammatory medicine can provide some relief. If the pain is acute and new, it is possible it is coming from a bleed and needs immediate treatment.

Finding the right treatment

Working with your doctors, you can understand the different types of pain and assess the treatment options available for each. Some doctors may prescribe medicines and factor treatments as well as more “alternative” ways of controlling pain.

Some of the options for dealing with pain include:

• Medicines – These include factor treatments, prescriptions and over-the-counter options
• Exercise – Regular exercise can strengthen muscles and joints, providing long-term relief from arthritis pain
• Massage and topical lotions – These options can provide a more holistic approach for immediate pain relief
• Heat/Cold treatments – Utilizing hot and cold presses can alleviate tension in muscles and slow blood flow

When persons living with hemophilia feel pain that they identify as throbbing, grinding, burning or other discomfort, they should speak up and seek treatment. Addressing the cause of the pain immediately will help in long-term pain management.


Canadian Hemophilia Society

Kids Health

Solutions Sight

World Federation of Hemophilia

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