Tag Archives | clotting factor

Possibility for New Hemophilia Treatment

A study that was recently published in Nature Biotechnology announces some exciting news for the bleeding disorder community. Research conducted at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia showed that a genetically engineered coagulation protein – Xa – successfully helped restore the ability of blood to clot and helped to lower blood loss. This coagulation factor protein […]

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What To Expect During And After A Clotting Factor Infusion

It is important that people with hemophilia understand how to recognize the signs of internal bleeding. An infusion needs to occur once the bleeding begins to restore clotting factors, so the sooner the symptoms are noticed the faster the bleeding can be stopped. Before going in for an infusion, or administering one on your own, […]

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Top Seven Myths About Hemophilia

1. Bleeding problems only affect boys: While only boys can have hemophilia, girls can be symptomatic carriers, which means they are mild bleeders, or have Von Willebrand disease (http://www.hemophilia.org/NHFWeb/MainPgs/MainNHF.aspx?menuid=182&contentid=47&rptname=bleeding), which affects both boys and girls. 2. Everyone with hemophilia has the same degree of deficiency: Hemophilia is characterized in three levels (http://www.hemophilia.org/NHFWeb/MainPgs/MainNHF.aspx?menuid=180&contentid=45&rptname=bleeding): mild (clotting activity […]

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