Cook’s Corner – Stuffed Peppers

This recipe is a good one if you have some time to prep a meal for the next day or if you need a meal to freeze. The ingredients are simple it just takes a little time to assemble but these stuffed peppers are definitely worth the time. If only green peppers are available (they are usually the most economical option also) they tend to have a more peppery flavor to them – its not a problem just something to keep in mind. Also, brown rice is a bit more healthy than white rice and the cheese and sauce usually masks the brown rice flavor so its worth a try!

Stuffed Peppers

4-6 peppers, preferably red, orange, or yellow
1lb fresh ground sirloin
1 cup cooked rice (white or brown)
¼ cup parmesan cheese
½ cup Tomato& Basil Sauce

Italian seasoning

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Extra sauce

Brown sirloin in a large skillet. Added cooked rice, parmesan cheese, and ½ cup sauce. Add salt, pepper, and at least one tsp Italian seasoning. Adjust seasonings, sauce, and cheese to taste.

Boil a pan of water large enough to hold 2-3 peppers. Wash peppers and cut in half lengthwise. Clean out pith. Alternatively, slice off top and clean out insides. Submerge peppers in boiling water 3 – 5 min. Remove and place in casserole dish. Fill pepper halves or wholes with meat mixture. Spoon on additional sauce to cover peppers. Top with mozzarella cheese. Serve with extra sauce.

Bake at 350F for 45 min.

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