IVIg can help ease chronic pain patients too

We already know that Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIg) is used primarily to treat three types of ailments—immunodeficiences, autoimmune neuromuscular disorders, and certain rhematologic conditions. But a recent study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal on February 1, reveals that IVIg might be useful to help treat a chronic pain condition as well.

A team at the University of Liverpool Pain Research Institute discovered that using IVIg to treat the immune system of patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) lead to a significant reduction in pain for nearly half of those patients. According to an article from Science Daily, a low dose of IVIg was given to 13 volunteers with the pain syndrome. The scientist who lead it, Dr. Andreas Goebel, expects that this discovery will “have a real impact on the treatment of other unexplained chronic pain conditions.” Another article from the National Post reported that the discovery could change the way some chronic pain is treated.

It’s clear that this is only the beginning of approaching the immune system as a way to ease pain, but we are definitely interested to see what IVIg is capable of!

University of Liverpool. “Scientists Discover New Treatment for Chronic Pain Condition.” ScienceDaily 1 February 2010. 2 February 2010 .



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