Keeping Your Child With Hemophilia Safe Around The House

Having a young child running around the house can be stressful for anyone, but add a bleeding disorder to that, and stress quickly elevates. However, there are many simple ways to prevent problems and keep your child with hemophilia safe around the house from infancy throughout childhood.

Be sure to place bumper pads that meet safety standards in the crib. Once your baby begins to crawl and walk, tumbles will be expected. Keep your child safe using knee and elbow pads to help protect the joints. A helmet may be necessary for children who tend to be on the adventurous side. Place gates across stairs to prevent falls. Coffee tables and other sharp-edged furniture often can be dangerous to young children if they bump the edge, so make sure all edges are covered in foam padding.

Another factor for parents to consider is teething. Make sure that there is nothing lying around the house that could cut a child’s gums, such as keys. Teething rings are safe for children and may even be refrigerated prior to use to help alleviate pain for your toddler.

Protecting your child is of the utmost importance, but experts agree that parents must be mindful of not hampering their development. As your child grows older and begins walking and playing, clothing with padding sewed in can be extremely helpful and give you peace of mind as a parent.

The best way to keep your child with hemophilia – or any child for that matter – safe is to keep a constant eye on your house. Make periodic alterations as he or she grows and develops, as the aspects of your home that could be seen as potentially dangerous change over time. With a little planning and attention to detail, you can have a perfectly safe and comfortable home for a child dealing with the challenges brought on by hemophilia.

Kids Health From Nemours – Choosing Safe Baby Products:

Kids Health From Nemours – Hemophilia:

Bayer HealthCare – Living with Hemophilia:
