Multiple Sclerosis: The Mystery Diagnosis

Since symptoms and warning signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can vary and can be similar to those of other conditions, it is often difficult to correctly diagnosis the disorder. That makes it all the more reason to make a visit to the neurologist a main priority when dealing with problems such as dizziness, blurred vision, or numbness in the arms or legs. Neurologists specialize in the innermost workings of the central nervous system, which includes disorders like MS and its effects.

Three essential findings:
As a little bit of background when it comes to identifying MS, in order for a diagnosis to be made, a doctor needs to make three essential findings in the patient.
1. The patient must have had at least two “attacks” featuring the aforementioned symptoms lasting for at least 24 hours and at least one month apart.
2. There should be no other logical explanation for the attacks. Make sure that the doctor has reviewed not only your own medical history, but your family history as well.
3. Damage in one area of the brain or spinal cord must be present (this can be determined through various medical tests if the first two circumstances exist).

Treating MS:
There is not currently a cure for MS; however, there are a wide array of treatments and physical therapies to help manage the condition. Medications can help to slow the development of the disorder, shorten attacks and relax muscles.
Additional Help:
Someone suffering from a chronic disorder such as MS may seem to live life on an emotional roller coaster. This disorder can lead patients to stress about their situation and can cause certain behavioral changes, ultimately resulting in depression. It is important for those who suffer from MS to surround themselves with an excellent support team that includes friends, family, medical professionals and other patients suffering with the disorder.

Everyday Health – 10 Key Questions About Multiple Sclerosis:
Web MD – Your Multiple Sclerosis Team:
Mayo Clinic – Multiple Sclerosis:
MS Lifelines – MS Symptoms: Depression or Mood Swings:
