Weeding Out the Pain: Gardening with Rheumatoid Arthritis

BLOG photo Gardening with MSAs spring takes over and summer creeps slowly toward us, we can’t help but let the urge to indulge in our love for the outdoors take over. While this is easy for most, for some Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) makes it nearly impossible.

Modern research has found that contrary to popular belief, gardening can actually be a therapeutic outlet for individuals with RA.

For all of the green thumbs out there suffering from RA, here are some tips that will enable you to take advantage of your favorite hobby this season:

1. Equip Yourself With the Right Tools – One of the main challenges RA patients experience when it comes to gardening is aggravation to joints caused by gripping shovels and various planting tools. There are many alternatives to traditional gardening tools that help with this problem, including products that have extensions (for those with RA in the knees) and adaptive gripping aids.

2. Location is Everything – And not just when it comes to real estate! Locating your garden close to a water source and within proximity of a convenient resting area will greatly reduce the amount of energy you exert when tending to it. You may also opt to use window boxes in lieu of planting in the ground to minimize the physical element of gardening projects.

3. Don’t Forget to Stretch – Remember that gardening is a form of exercise, and like any other physical activity you should always stretch before and after to avoid injury or RA symptoms from worsening. Be kind to your body, practice correct posture, take frequent breaks and even consider getting a gardening buddy to help.

If you are interested in pursuing your passion for gardening this season, or are just looking for a new hobby, consult your physician about the best plan to get started. Your doctor is more knowledgeable about your RA condition and specific areas of difficulty, and will be able to provide you with the best plan to move forward.


Arthritis Today – Gardening Tips for Everyone: http://www.arthritistoday.org/daily-living/do-it-easier/in-the-garden/gardening-arthritis.php

Arthritis Supplies.com – Gardening Tools for People with Rheumatoid Arthritis: http://www.arthritissupplies.com/site/371928/page/62687/rheumatoid

e-How Home – How to Garden for People with Rheumatoid Arthritis: http://www.ehow.com/

NapsNet.com – Gardeners with Rheumatoid Arthritis Can Keep Green Thumbs Without Sore
Joints: http://www.napsnet.com/pdf_archive/60/60378.pdf

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