Possible Improvements for IVIg Medicare Patients

A bill recently introduced in both houses of Congress could change the way that Medicare patients receive their IVIg infusions. Current legislation under the Medicare IVIG Access Act of 2008 covers IVIg infusions but does not reimburse for in-home infusions. This means that patients must go to infusion centers or hospitals to receive their medication. Under the proposed bill, a study will be done to determine the benefits of in-home infusions.

What is the Medicare IVIG Access Act?

The Medicare IVIG Access Act was created and passed to give patients living with primary immunodeficiency diseases and other autoimmune disorders the ability to be treated with the lifesaving IVIg medication they need. Without IVIg, people with these disorders are very susceptible to illnesses that most people would not be concerned about. A common cold could be dangerous to someone with an immune deficiency if that person is not receiving his or her IVIg treatment. With IVIg, people who have immunodeficiency diseases can live relatively normal lifestyles.

What are the implications of the new bill?

Once the study has been conducted and the information compiled about in-home IVIg infusions, and lawmakers understand the benefits of home infusion therapy, the possibility exists that more than just the IVIg medication will be covered by Medicare. When a person has an IVIg home infusion, a nurse must be present and infusion equipment is needed. Nursing services and in-home equipment are not currently reimbursed by Medicare.

Immune Deficiency Foundation Applauds Legislation to Improve Medicare Patient Access to Immunoglobulin Products – http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/immune-deficiency-foundation-applauds-legislation-to-improve-medicare-patient-access-to-immunoglobulin-products-122529628.html

Immune Deficiency Foundation – http://primaryimmune.org/patients-and-families/bill-of-rights-for-patients-with-pidd

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