What You Need Know About MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the body’s central nervous system, which is made up of the brain and spinal cord. Just as MS can vary in its degrees of severity, so do its causes.
While research continues on the disease, here are a few factors that are believed to contribute to MS:

Geography – Studies have shown that people who live farther away from the equator are more likely to develop MS than those who live in warmer, tropical climates. For this reason, MS is most common in the northern United States, Canada, and Europe.

Vitamin D Deficiency – The geographic pattern could also be connected to Vitamin D levels. When your body is exposed to sunlight it creates vitamin D, and some studies have discovered that people with lower amounts of vitamin D in their system are more likely to contract MS. Once again, this is geographically related as many people who live farther away from the equator or tropical climates tend to spend less time in or exposed to the sun.

Genetics – Contrary to what might seem like a probable cause of the disease, genetics is not the only predicting factor related to MS. Actually, there is only about a two to four percent chance of an individual inheriting all the risk factors associated with the disease from a family member. However, having a relative with the disease does increase your chances of obtaining the disease over someone who has no family history.

Gender and Age – Research also shows that women are more than two and a half times more likely to develop MS than men. In addition, the diagnosis of most cases of MS occurs around the age of 30.

Viral Exposure – Since viruses cause inflammation, it is believed that exposure to certain ones could be a trigger for MS.

As for a cure for MS, genetic engineering is being investigated, but it could be years before it can be a reality, if in fact it will cure the condition at all.

For now, there are different types of prescription treatments used in MS therapy, and they are administered either by injection or infusion, and have different dosing schedules. MedPro Rx is dedicated to helping those with MS find the appropriate medications. Contact us for more information on this topic.

Healthcares.net – Who Is At Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: http://neurology.health-cares.net/multiple-sclerosis-risks.php
Everyday Health – The Search for an MS Cure: http://www.everydayhealth.com/multiple-sclerosis/multiple-sclerosis-causes.aspx
The New York Times Health Guide – Multiple Sclerosis: http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/multiple-sclerosis/risk-factors.html
University of Maryland Medical Center – Multiple Sclerosis Risk Factors: http://www.umm.edu/patiented/articles/what_symptoms_of_multiple_sclerosis_000017_3.htm
Imaginis – What Causes Multiple Sclerosis: http://www.imaginis.com/multiple-sclerosis/what-causes-multiple-sclerosis

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