One of the most important aspects of hemophilia is, as with any ongoing medical condition, knowing your options when it comes to management and treatment. In past posts we have covered this topic in great depth. Here are a few more inspiring stories of how individuals with hemophilia have made the decision to self-infuse: Taking […]
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How to Keep Your Child With Hemophilia Safe When Away From Home
Worrying about your child when they are not surrounded by the safety your home provides is normal, but there are many ways to help alleviate some of this stress, especially if your child has a bleeding disorder. Communicating with those that spend the most time with your child when they are away from home is […]
Easy Ways To Avoid Anemia
Anemia caused by “iron-poor blood” is still the most common cause of anemia, a condition in which a lack of red blood cells causes oxygen deficiency in muscles. Blood loss can lead to anemia, so if you have a bleeding disorder, it is important to know the preventative measures you can take to prevent anemia. […]
Diet Recommendations for People with Myasthenia Gravis featured a great article about dietary suggestions for people living with Myasthenia Gravis. Some of the things to consider are: smaller meal size, increased potassium intake and foods that ease inflammation. You should always talk to your doctor before changing your diet. Click here to check it out.
Bleeding Disorders and Your Comprehensive Care Team
If you have a bleeding disorder, you know it can play a role in every aspect of your life, and can also affect many parts of your body. To stay healthy, you need a comprehensive care team, because bleeding disorders do not only affect you physically, but also mentally. With a comprehensive care team, there […]
Importance Of Stress Management For Hemophilia Patients
Stress can be brought on easily with life changes. For this reason, people suffering from chronicdiseases like hemophilia may suffer from more stress than others on a regular basis. Patientsand/or patients’ families may suffer from emotional, mental and physical stress. Stress cancome from the diagnosis of the disease, financial woes, physical discomfort and fear of […]
Dental Care When You Have Hemophilia
People with hemophilia may be scared to take care of their teeth because they fear cutting their gums and starting a bleed. Regardless of whether or not you have hemophilia, dental care is important and it is vital to take care of your teeth. Dental health affects overall health, and if you neglect to clean […]
Hemophilia Bill of Rights
The National Hemophilia Foundation has a Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities that tells you exactly what you should expect from your treatment center, as well as what is expected of you as a patient or parent at hemophilia treatment centers. Provided below are what is included in the Consumer Bill of Rights and the […]
Hemophilia As You Age
Growing older requires lifestyle changes of all kinds, depending on your health. Aging with hemophilia is no different. Historically, the life expectancy of a person affected by hemophilia has been low. With the availability of certain drugs and the increased number of care centers handling hemophilia, life expectancy for hemophiliacs has increased. As with other […]
Pregnancy and Bleeding Disorders
Women with bleeding disorders or who are carriers of bleeding disorder genes may find pregnancy to be a time of anxiety and stress. Although risks vary by the severity of the bleeding disorder, taking certain precautions before and during pregnancy can result in a happy and successful childbirth. Before Pregnancy and Birth If you have […]