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History of IVIg

Intravenous immune globulins (IVIg) have become common in treating immunodeficiences, autoimmune disorders and rheumatologic conditions. Obviously research and testing occurred to produce these solutions that certain people are so thankful for, but what exactly led to the development of IVIg? Immunoglobulin G (IgG) was first identified in 1944, and through the late 1970s the product […]

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Understanding the Side Effects of IVIg

It is no secret that Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIg) is crucial in supplying antibodies to people with autoimmune disorders. The benefits of the treatment far outweigh any negative side effects, but it is still important to be aware of such effects and to be able to react accordingly. Possible side effects of IVIg include: • Headaches […]

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IVIg can help ease chronic pain patients too

We already know that Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIg) is used primarily to treat three types of ailments—immunodeficiences, autoimmune neuromuscular disorders, and certain rhematologic conditions. But a recent study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal on February 1, reveals that IVIg might be useful to help treat a chronic pain condition as well. A team […]

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Talking about PI and IVIg treatments, part I: At home

Read Talking about PI and IVIg treatments, part II: In the classroom For many patients on Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIg), one big hurdle is helping others—particularly family, friends—understand why the treatment is necessary. Living with a Primary Immunodeficiency (PI) does not mean the patient must limit activity or cannot enjoy real quality of life. So if you […]

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What To Expect During And After A Clotting Factor Infusion

It is important that people with hemophilia understand how to recognize the signs of internal bleeding. An infusion needs to occur once the bleeding begins to restore clotting factors, so the sooner the symptoms are noticed the faster the bleeding can be stopped. Before going in for an infusion, or administering one on your own, […]

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Preparing Your Child For IVIg

It’s a scary thing for a child to begin a new treatment. If your child is about to begin Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIg) therapy there are a few steps you can take to ease his or her anxiety. Before you can prepare your child it is important that first you understand the process. Visit MedPro Rx’s […]

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