Tag Archives | hemophilia

Tailoring Your Hemophilia Treatments

No matter which therapy or treatment you use, the most important thing is safety. First, you must understand your disease and the impact it has on your body. When selecting a method of treatment, consider your personal lifestyle and make sure to allow for adequate time for treatment. Remember that staying healthy and being active […]

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Washington Days are Here

MedPro Rx staff members will join representatives from Hemophilia of North Carolina to participate in the National Hemophilia Foundation’s (NHF) annual Washington Days event, which will take place from Wednesday, Feb. 16 to Friday, Feb. 18 in Washington D.C. During the three-day event, MedPro Rx representatives, along with representatives from hemophilia foundations throughout the United […]

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NHF meeting

This year’s National Hemophilia Foundation meeting took place in New Orleans at the Marriott. There were speakers and workshops that were geared for parents, young adults and kids; topics ranged from new research to prevention education. Everyone had time to network in between sessions. Next year’s meeting will be in Chicago on November 10-12.

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