People with hemophilia may be scared to take care of their teeth because they fear cutting their gums and starting a bleed. Regardless of whether or not you have hemophilia, dental care is important and it is vital to take care of your teeth. Dental health affects overall health, and if you neglect to clean […]
Tag Archives | resources
Sending Your Child With Hemophilia To School
When it is time to send your child with hemophilia off to school, or for him to start a new year with new teachers, there are several things you can do to help keep your child safe and healthy. To help prepare yourself, your child and your school for the new school year, take the […]
Hemophilia As You Age
Growing older requires lifestyle changes of all kinds, depending on your health. Aging with hemophilia is no different. Historically, the life expectancy of a person affected by hemophilia has been low. With the availability of certain drugs and the increased number of care centers handling hemophilia, life expectancy for hemophiliacs has increased. As with other […]
Pregnancy and Bleeding Disorders
Women with bleeding disorders or who are carriers of bleeding disorder genes may find pregnancy to be a time of anxiety and stress. Although risks vary by the severity of the bleeding disorder, taking certain precautions before and during pregnancy can result in a happy and successful childbirth. Before Pregnancy and Birth If you have […]
The Clotting Process
Have you ever wondered how your blood clots? Check out a great animation on the MedPro Rx Kids site. The visuals help give a better understanding of the clotting process and how the body maintains hemostasis. Hemostasis is important when blood vessels are damaged. People who have hemophilia must have receive infusions of factor to […]
Managing Pain
Many people living with hemophilia will experience pain from a complication of their condition. It can be anything from a rare case of pain caused by a bleed to an ongoing pain caused from arthritis. Even routine dental procedures or medical surgeries can cause excessive pain for a hemophiliac. So how do you deal with […]